Meet our Therapy Dogs

Meet the dogs that are part of MU Health Care's Wags therapy dog program.


Date of Birth: April 19, 2010
Breed: Cockapoo
About Bella: Bella is a snuggler who likes to sweeten you up before stealing your toys (and socks). She loves to chase her dog-sister Sophie around the house before spending the day snoozing on the couch. Her favorite snacks are carrots and ice cubes.

Thank Bella


Date of birth: February 22, 2015
Breed: Border Collie
About Callie: Callie is a sweet, outgoing girl who loves making new friends and soliciting belly rubs. She has only one eye, but it hasn’t stopped her from living life to the fullest and charming everyone with her permanent “wink.” Callie’s favorite things are car rides, Starbucks pup cups, playing with her friends at dog daycare and her squeaky hedgehog toy.

Thank Callie


Date of Birth: April 19, 2010
Breed: Cockapoo
About Chloe: Chloe loves to be petted, but watch out – she loves to give kisses too. She loves playing fetch with her tennis ball, and her favorite toy is a blue stuffed monster. Chloe’s favorite treats are carrots, peanut butter and ice.

Thank Chloe


Date of Birth: March 28, 2017
Breed: Golden Retriever
About Ella: Ella is the social butterfly of therapy dogs. If there were report cards in school, her teacher would most likely indicate “visits with friends too much.” All joking aside, Ella LOVES everyone. She loves bootie scratches, belly rubs and having her paw held. Ella is always happy to greet friends at the door, usually with the closest stuffed animal she can find as a welcome gift.

Thank Ella


Date of Birth: December 6, 2012
Breed: English Bull Terrier
About George: George is named after General George Patton who was very fond of the breed. George enjoys going to doggie school at Ann Gafke’s Teacher’s Pet where he is part of the drill team and is known as the class clown. He also enjoys playing with his toys and being a big lap dog. He loves visiting patients at the hospital.

Thank George


Date of Birth: December 8, 2014
Breed: English Bull Terrier
About Ginger: Ginger’s great-great-great-grandfather is Rufus, who won Westminster best in show in 2006. She attends Ann Gafke’s Teachers Pet and is an active member of the drill team. She is known for her many dresses, tutus and painted nails. Ginger is a sweet dog with a sense of humor. If she doesn’t want to do something she will fall over like a fainting goat.

Thank Ginger


Date of Birth: October 19, 2017
Breed: Doberman Pinscher
About Henley: Henley may be 75 pounds but he is confident that he is a lap dog! His favorite things include snuggles, string cheese, playing with his doggie brother and chewing sticks. Henley is a member of Ann Gafke’s Teacher’s Pet Drill team, where he learns choreographed dances with his doggie pals. His favorite tricks are “Hands Up”, “High Five” and “Bow”.

Thank Henley


Date of Birth: November 14, 2017
Breed: Husky Mix
About Keylo: Keylo was rescued from the Sedalia Animal Shelter and is a member of Ann Gafke's Teacher's Pet Drill Team. Keylo is high-energy and loves playing in the snow, fetching balls and chasing squirrels. He is known for his pretty blue eyes and inquisitive, stern look. Keylo's best tricks are shaking, bowing and giving high-five's.

Thank Keylo


Date of birth: May 22, 2018
Breed: Siberian Husky Mix
About Kiko: Kiko is a spunky girl who loves to dance, do tricks, play with her two brothers, snuggle and get pets. She’s a member of Ann Gafke’s Teacher’s Pet Drill Team where she can perform some of her favorite tricks, including bow, donut and rolling over. At the end of a long day, Kiko loves to curl up and sleep under the covers.

Thank Kiko


Date of birth: October 27, 2018
Breed: Pomsky
About Koro: Koro is a party dog who loves lots of pets (especially on his chest) and compliments. During his down time, he likes to watch over the neighborhood, play tag with other dogs at the park and sniff his kitty roommates. Fun fact: Korosho, his full name, means good in Russian, but also means cashew nuts in Swahili.

Thank Koro


Date of birth: August 6, 2016 (just a guess!)
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
About Lucy: When Lucy was rescued by the Humane Society, she had been wandering on her own for two weeks, starving for food and love. Now she lives to give the love back! She spends her days going on long walks, patrolling the back yard and protecting her baby. Lucy loves caring for anyone in distress. She’s a big girl and shows her affection by giving heavy leans. She especially enjoys back and chin scratches.

Thank Lucy


Date of birth: August 2020
Breed: Shih Tzu
About Murphy: Murphy was born in Jefferson City in 2020 and has been a certified International Therapy Dog since 2023. Murphy completed his training at MidMo Dog Training in Jefferson City. He loves all people, playing outside, taking multiple daily walks and playing with his two golden doodle sisters. Murphy loves toys and can be seen most times with a toy in his mouth.

Thank Murphy


Date of birth: November 1, 2021
Breed: Mountain Cur Mix
About Otis: Otis is very courageous pup who enjoys fetching balls and playing with his brother and sister. He sometimes drools when he gets excited, but don’t worry. If he happens to drool on you, he can help clean up with his personalized Otis drool rags. He loves to snuggle, go to school, learn new things and see everyone smile.

Thank Otis


Date of birth: May 7, 2010
Breed: Jack Russell Terrier, broken coated, tri colored
About Reuben: Reuben is such a happy dog. He brings out smiles wherever he goes. Reuben comes into a room ready to entertain. Reuben loves to dance and do other tricks. He loves to have the base of his tail scratched and his belly rubbed.

Thank Reuben


Date of Birth: February 18, 2018
Breed: Cockapoo
About Ruby: Ruby is a boisterous little girl who loves to climb, especially across the back of couches. She loves chasing her dog-sister Chloe and chewing on just about anything. Every day is an adventure for happy Ruby. Her favorite treats are peanut butter and carrots.

Thank Ruby



Date of birth: December 9, 2016
Breed: Pembroke Welsh Corgi
About Siri: Siri is a bundle of awesomeness who loves people of all ages. She’s a patient girl who regularly attends classes at Columbia Canine Sports Center and competes in many different venues of dog sports, such as agility, scent work, FastCAT, rally and obedience. Her best attributes are her loving eyes and winning smile.

Thank Siri


Date of Birth: October 29, 2008
Breed: Cockapoo
About Sophie: Sophie is a sweet girl who enjoys belly rubs and climbing on the back of the couch. She loves kids, playing fetch and eating her favorite snacks: carrots and ice cubes.

Thank Sophie


Date of birth: July 7, 2015
Breed: Berger Picard Shepherd
About Tehya: Tehya, being a herding breed, likes to watch and take in what is going on around her. Tehya has a great smile when she is relaxed and happy. A fast way to be friends with her is to have her smell your hand then pet her under the chin and neck area.

Thank Tehya

Tillie Mae

Date of birth: October 2, 2019
Breed: Pomeranian
About Tillie Mae: Tillie Mae is a 5-pound teacup Pomeranian who loves ear scratches and kisses. She and her mom are known for their matching pink hair and are usually wearing matching accessories. Tillie Mae chirps happily when you scratch her ears or chin just right and spins in circles to show how excited she is to see you. If you don’t pay enough attention to her, she will tap you with her paw to ask for some love. Tillie Mae loves peanut butter and salmon treats, a good snowfall and visiting her friends at local pet-friendly places.

Thank Tillie Mae


Date of birth: February 23, 2016
Breed: German Shepherd
About Whitley: Whitley is everyone’s best friend and has a special way of making everyone in the room feel loved and important. This star pupil began her therapy dog training class at just 4 months old and now is a pro at brightening patients’ days during her hospital visits. Off duty, you’ll find her playing keep-away with her toys or hanging out with her best friend, a tiny Morkie named Stella. Whitley never turns down an adventure — she’s even been in dog treat commercials! She loves hiking on trails, riding in cars, or enjoying her favorite frozen treat, a pup cup!

Thank Whitley


Date of Birth: December 8, 2011
Breed: British Cream Golden Retriever
About Wyatt: Wyatt enjoys carrying his own leash on walks, retrieving the newspaper and lounging on the front porch. His favorite games are tug of war, fetch and shaking hands. Wyatt loves visiting patients at the hospital and gets very excited as soon as he knows he’s going. 

Thank Wyatt


Date of birth: February 28, 2019
Breed: Bernedoodle (Bernese Mountain Dog/Poodle)
About Ziggy: Ziggy was born, bred and engineered for affection. Her favorite pastimes are “working a room” by going from person-to-person and exchanging love, then starting all over again giving high fives. She also loves playing with Lexi, her Aussiedoodle sister.

Thank Ziggy