Allergy Testing Panel

During the skin prick testing procedure, we will test for allergies to the following seasonal and main environmental year-round allergens such as dander, fungus, grass, mold, tree pollen, weeds and yeast. 

However, we do offer a more extensive list of other pollens, animals, and molds in clinic. We also offer a large variety of foods that we can test for if food allergies are a concern to you.”

Antigen What it is Where it is Season
Timothy  Grass Outside: well-drained soil and fields Summer
Bermuda  Grass Outside: wide zone of adaptation Summer
Johnson Grass Outside Summer
Cat Dander On cat hair Year-round
Dog Dander On dog hair Year-round
Cockroach Dust Indoor Year-round
Birch  Tree pollen Outside Spring
Cottonwood  Tree pollen Outside Spring
Maple Tree pollen Outside Spring
Oak Tree pollen Outside Spring
Red Cedar Tree pollen Outside Spring
White ash Tree pollen Outside Spring
Elm Tree pollen Outside Spring
Hickory/pecan mix Tree pollen Outside Spring
Sycamore Tree pollen Outside Spring
Pine Tree pollen Outside Spring
Black walnut Tree pollen Outside Spring
Mulberry Tree pollen Outside Spring
Sheep sorrel Weed Outside Fall
Ragweed  Weed Outside: along roads and trails Fall
Pigweed  Grass Outside: cultivated or abandoned fields Summer
English plantain  Weed Outside: moist areas, pasture Fall
Aspergillus Fungus Indoor/Outside: common to area Year-round
Alternaria  Mold Inside/Outdoor: common to area Year-round
Penicillium Mold Indoor/Outside: common to area Year-round
Cladosporium Mold Indoor/Outside: common to area Year-round
Mucor Mold Indoor/Outside: common to area Year-round
Acremonium Mold Indoor/Outside: common to area Year-round
DP mite Dust Indoor Year-round
F mite Dust Indoor Year-round
Sweet gum Tree pollen Outside Spring
Privet  Tree pollen Outside Spring
Lamb's quarters Weed Outside Fall
Fescue Fungus Outside Year-round
Horse Dander Outside Year-round
Cattle Dander Outside Year-round
Corn smut  Fungus Outside Year-round
Mouse epithelia Dander On mouse hair Year-round