At MU Health Care, we're committed to caring for every aspect of health — including a person's well-being. That's why we offer multiple programs to support the mental, emotional and social needs of our community and beyond.
We offer a range of wellness programs designed to help individuals and organizations with various needs. Whether you're a health care professional looking for resources to maintain balance or a business seeking to support your employees' mental health and well-being, our programs are staffed by experts here to empower you.
Physician and Health Professional Wellness Program
Working in health care can be extremely stressful. For health care professionals experiencing burnout, addiction and other mental health concerns, we offer evidence-based, unbiased and confidential support. Led by experts in mental health and addictionology, our program works closely with the Missouri Board of Registration and Healing Arts, Dental Board and Board of Pharmacy to provide care and resources in times of distress.
Employee Assistance Program
Our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a program employers can purchase to provide counseling and referral services for employees facing personal, work-related, or family challenges. Offered in partnership with our Mental Wellness Clinic and participating employers, the program is staffed by licensed, qualified mental health professionals. It's free, voluntary and completely confidential.