If you are planning to have a baby, MU Health Care’s fertility specialists are here to help you and your partner succeed.

“Patients often ask me what they can do to boost their fertility,” said formner MU Health Care reproductive endocrinologist Albert Hsu, MD. “The first step I always suggest is to come in for a few tests and scans — including bloodwork, an ultrasound and semen analysis — so we can quickly identify and address any issues that might be hampering you or your partner’s fertility.”
Even if the tests raise no red flags, it’s important for both partners to optimize their health when trying to conceive. Our fertility team provides personalized suggestions based upon each person’s lifestyle and also recommends checking out the following resources from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine:
- Optimizing natural fertility. The timing and frequency of unprotected sex can play a major role in a couple’s ability to conceive.
- Stress and infertility. Trying to conceive can be stressful. Though we do not know exactly how stress impacts fertility, we do know that reducing your stress when trying to conceive will help maximize success rates.
- Smoking and fertility. Tobacco use —whether through smoking, chewing, or vaping — is known to damage fertility in both men and women. It can damage the genetic material in eggs and sperm and contribute to serious pregnancy complications such as miscarriages, birth defects, prematurity and stillbirths.
- Environmental toxins and fertility. Toxins are everywhere, and it is impossible to completely avoid them. However, there are measures both partners can take to limit their exposure.
- Weight and fertility. Being overweight or underweight can lead to low sperm counts as well as female infertility. It could also reduce your odds of success when undergoing fertility treatments.