Places to Stay

At Children's Hospital, we understand the need for you to be close to your child while he or she is hospitalized. All patient rooms at Children's Hospital are equipped with a sleeper sofa for parents to spend the night.

To ensure the safety of our patients, we ask parents and visitors 16 and older to provide a photo ID and receive a visitor badge or wristband. Each badge or wristband is valid for 24 hours, or until you exit the facility. Visitor wristbands are given at the Children's Hospital and Birthing Center main lobby registration desk

If you have an appointment in Keene Medical Building, the department you are visiting will check you in.

NICU visitors generally are not allowed to stay overnight in the hospital. We believe it is in the best interest of the parents to get adequate rest. For more information, please talk to the NICU social worker.

Staying Off Site

For loved ones not sleeping in a patient's room, we have an online listing of hotels that offer discounts to families of patients at Children's Hospital.

If you are staying in a nearby hotel, the Ronald McDonald House or at home, please provide your child's nurse with a telephone number where you may be reached.

You are welcome to call during the night to speak with the nurse to get an update on your child's condition.