Pumped Full of Surprises: Makayla’s Leukemia Story

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Story Summary

The first few times Tyler Severance, MD, walked into Makayla Crockett’s room at Children’s Hospital, he was surprised: His patient, it seemed, wasn’t there.

Soon enough, Dr. Severance, a pediatric oncologist and hematologist, learned to wait for giggles or other sounds warning him the 9-year-old was about to jump out from behind her bed or around the door.

Makayla, a Columbia native, first came to the Children’s ER in June of 2023 after fainting twice in 24 hours. Her parents, Rolf and Brandy, knew something was wrong, but didn’t expect to hear Makayla had acute B cell lymphoblastic leukemia, or ALL.

Please contact us with any questions or issues.

Kent Faddis
Video Content Manager
MU Health Care
Office: 573-884-0532
Cell: 573-823-9499 