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Story Summary
For the first year of his life, Eli Bonham did not eat, drink or swallow like most infants.
Eli, or “Bubba” to his older brother, Ezekiel, and parents, Kendria and Keegan, was born with a rare birth defect called esophageal atresia. During his development, Eli’s esophagus did not connect to his stomach.
“I had normal ultrasounds and bloodwork during pregnancy. Nothing indicated that anything was wrong,” Kendria said.
But very quickly after Eli was born at home, Kendria and her midwife Sabrina realized something was wrong. Eli wasn’t breathing normally.
Please contact us with any questions or issues.
Kent Faddis
Video Production Manager
MU Health Care
Office: 573-884-0532
Cell: 573-823-9499