Dr. Dooley specializes otolaryngology or treating conditions in the ear, nose and throat, specifically head and neck cancer of the skin, mouth, throat and nose as well as thyroid and pituitary conditions. She specializes in surgery in the front of the head and large minimally invasive cancer procedures. Dr. Dooley is part of a large care team that includes nursing, nutrition, speech, radiation and medical oncology. Their primary focus is comprehensive care for head and neck cancer patients. She values developing relationships with her patients as they progress through their cancer treatment.
Education & Training
Medical School
University of Missouri School of Medicine
Surgery (General Surgery)
- Loyola University of Chicago, Stritch School of Medicine
- University of Louisville Hospital
Otolaryngology, Head And Neck Surgery
- Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
MU Health Care participates with most major managed care organizations. To find out whether MU Health Care is a participating provider in your insurance plan or network, or for information on co-payments and deductibles, please contact your insurance carrier directly.
In the News
Academic Information
Research Profile
Dr. Dooley’s active research interests include studies of nasal polyps and chronic cough along with access to head and neck cancer treatment clinical trials. She also works on a translational research project to investigate changes to the larynx with radiation and the impact on a patient’s speech and ability to swallow.
Awards & Honors
- Member, American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery
- Member, American College of Surgeons
- Member, American Head and Neck Society