
Dr. Joseph Cousins is a practicing neuroradiologist and primarily sees patients with conditions of the brain and spine. These include brain tumors, epilepsy, spinal stenosis and degeneration, head and neck cancer and tumors, and Parkinson’s disease. Dr. Cousins performs lumbar punctures and myelograms, and he also uses diffusion tensor imaging, functional imaging, and MR spectroscopy. He has been performing imaging services for almost two decades.

Education & Training

Medical School

Albany Medical College


Internal Medicine

  • University of Illinois at Chicago


Diagnostic Radiology

  • University of Illinois at Chicago



  • University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics


American Board of Radiology/Diagnostic Radiology
American Board of Radiology/Neuroradiology


MU Health Care participates with most major managed care organizations. To find out whether MU Health Care is a participating provider in your insurance plan or network, or for information on co-payments and deductibles, please contact your insurance carrier directly.

Academic Information

Professor of Clinical Radiology

Research Profile

Dr. Joseph Cousins has been involved in research for four decades. His interests include clinical applications of MRI, MRA, MR spectroscopic, functional, diffusion and tensor imaging, high resolution techniques, and applications of QSM. Other interests include the clinical use of computerized image reconstructions and analysis for clinical applications, developing mathematical analyses of MR images and spectroscopy, and MR imaging of the spine and movement disorders. He has helped conduct several clinical trials with radiation oncology, and he collaborates with neurosurgery and neurooncology.


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